Welcome to NADA
What is NADA?
The North American Discus Association is a collection of discus enthusiasts, hobbyists and breeders who are interested in the advancement of our hobby, through education and improvements in the quality of the fish we keep and breed. Our goal is to educate the general public, encourage new members, provide information on the discus hobby and promote discus at fish shows.
It’s official! NADA is having our first virtual show. Registration begins January 17th at 4am CST and ends February 14th at 9pm CST. Show will be for Hobbyists and Importers and will be judged as such. There will be 6 different categories for Discus: Wild, Spotted, Patterned, Albino, Solid and open Category. Judging will take place February 15th and 16th with winners revealed February 16th.
Registration links are below. After you have registered you will be assigned a ticket number. You will need the ticket number to post your fish. Head over to our Facebook page for detailed instructions/examples on picture requirements and when and where to post. Fish can be posted right after registration. Please do not wait until the 15th or our Judges won’t have enough time to judge your fish.
Link:Discus NADA Faceboook page

2018 NADA Show
The 2018 NADA Discus Show and Convention was a huge success with a wonder cast of domestic and international speakers like Andrew Soh, Paul Butler, Dr Steven Smith, Vitor Hugo Quaresma of Santarem Discus and Spencer Jack who spoke at the awards banquet. The inclusion of show fish from international Exhibitors from Singapore and the UK. Then there is the gathering of discus enthusiasts, some who have never been to a show and the old timers whom make every show but all who get to make new friends and renew past friendships. And then there is the discus…more on this later and other show happenings. Let’s not forget the NADA supporters, judges, attendees and the entire group of behind the scenes workers who made the show possible!
Grand Champion Owned by Chen’s Discus
2016 NADA Discus Show
The 2016 NADA Discus Show was a huge success and we wish to thank all of our supporters, judges, attendees and the entire group of behind the scenes workers who made the show possible!
Welcome to NADA
What is NADA?
The North American Discus Association is a collection of discus enthusiasts, hobbyists and breeders who are interested in the advancement of our hobby, through education and improvements in the quality of the fish we keep and breed. Our goal is to educate the general public, encourage new members, provide information on the discus hobby and promote discus at fish shows.
Congratulations go to Florida Discus and Ricky Lim for the Best In Show Discus at the NADA 2014 Show. The show was held in Austin, TX. Wish you were there? Don’t despair!
We’ll be holding our NADA 2016 Show in Chicago, IL and there’s plenty of time to prepare your favorite discus for the the competition. Stayed tuned to this website to find out more about how to join our exciting weekend of competition, friendship and fun!
© 2004 – 2010 North American Discus Association.
NADA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization, established in 2004.
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