Official Update – 2024 Official NADA Board (7) Members: |
President – Jerry Baer Vice President – Cary Strong Secretary – Tom Schoolcraft Treasurer – Mike Medeck |
Board Members – Aveline Schoolcraft Stu Serchuk Tammy Kuilderd |
In years past discus hobbyists have attempted to form national discus clubs such as the North American Discus Society and Discus Study Group. Over time these clubs became inactive. You can imagine how difficult it must have been to communicate and hold meetings when your membership was spread throughout the North American continent.
With the advent of the Internet and Discus Forums hobbyists from all over the world had a way to stay in touch and exchange ideas on a daily basis.
In the spring of 2004, discussion was begun on the formation of a new North American Discus Association. NADA, while open to everyone, would be Internet-based. Most meetings and elections would be held online with one live meeting each year in conjunction with the American Cichlid Association convention.
A group of about 20 hobbyists attending the Denver ACA convention gathered on July 23, 2004 to discuss formation of NADA. We decided the time was right to start a new organization. A mission statement and by-laws were approved. Officers were elected and goals were established.
Our goals are to build a website, implement an online or e-mail newsletter, support the ACA convention by bringing in discus speakers and judges, define basic discus types with photos of discus for the website, establish discus classes for judging, define discus standards for judging, train and accredit discus judges, and maintain a roster of speakers for regional discus meetings.

Founding Members pictured (starting back row left) are: Steve Turner, Phil Heppner, Mike Heppner, Ryan Karcher, Mario Carvalho (Board), Abe Schwartz, Dwyatt Green, Row 2: Deb O’Gara, Carol Roberts (President), Brian O’Gara, Rick May (Board), Jeff Young (Board), John Nicholson (Board), Dottie Miller, Gary McCarthy (Board), Row 3 seated: Jack Taylor, Ron Menchey (Vice President), Willie Loh (Board).
Not pictured are Jerry Baer (treasurer) and Jen Kruckenberg (secretary), who took this photo.
Will there be a 2017 discus show? If so where will it be?
To whom it may concern
Is NADA still in existence? If so, how do I join? Are there any benefits, such as educational, list of breeders and members in my area, etc.? Respectfully, Vincent
Yes, we are currently reforming and will have memberships available soon. there will be educational writeups, discounts to suppliers, raffles and possibly a forum.