I am a relative newcomer to discus and have chosen to keep wild discus. I first looked at domestic discus which resembled wilds but none were quite close enough. So December of 2011, I acquired a group of Nhamunda reds from John or Snookn21. Everything went fabulously for the first six months even though I […]
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Category: Discus Strains
Discus Classification
by Carol Roberts Discus are sold under a confusing variety of names. What are the different types of discus and how do we tell them apart? All colors and types of discus will interbreed and produce fertile fry. Some types like Pigeon Blood and Blue Diamonds are easily recognized. In this article I want to […]
History of Discus
Part 1: The Origins of Discus This graceful cichlid hails from the Amazon River system, one of the largest and most stable biotopes on our planet. It was first introduced to the hobby in the early 1930’s and it’s still considered one of the most demanding and expensive freshwater tropical fish. The Amazon and its […]